Voice-over Work
Below is the current selection of VO/Narration work by me.

The Night's End podcast
I am the show-runner/producer of this podcast. I narrated the whole first season.
Here is a link to the show: http://hyperurl.co/zr93av
For some specific examples:
The Snow Queen @ 5:05
Young Man, are you Lost? @ 3:25
Halloween Special ‘21 - Episode 5 - Bloodletting and Intrigue on All Hallows' Eve @ 1:35
Pest Control @ 2:37
The Fishing Trip @ 6:25

Here is a link to the show: https://pseudopod.org/
For a specific example of my narration:
The Devil's Graveyard @ 14:20

The Other Stories
I am a regular narrator for Hawk and Cleaver's The Other Stories.
Here is a link to the show: https://play.acast.com/s/theotherstories
For some specific examples of my narration:
The Witching Hour Ep 2 - The Imposter
Justice Done (Written and Narrated)

Tales to Terrify
I am on rotation as a narrator.
Here is a link to the show: https://talestoterrify.com/
For some specific examples of my narration:
Those Who Turn from God @ 19:10
Stay Dead @ 4:13
Kiss Me King Kong @ 7:26
The Tail @ 4:57

Tiny Tales podcast
Here is a link to the show: https://www.tinytalespodcast.com/
For some specific examples of my narration:

The Glam Gizmo
Here is a link to the show: https://www.tinytalespodcast.com/
For some specific examples of my narration:
Role: Ted​
Role: Ted
The Glam Gizmo
Here is a link to the show: http://syn.org.au/show/the-glam-gizmo/
For some specific examples of my narration: